My Das2.2 Server
This is a Das 2.2 Server, it provides access to space physics data sources
using a simple HTTP GET based query protocol. Recent activity logs for your IP address are available.
Full use of this site requires a client progam capable of reading data in
Das2Stream or QStream format. Autoplot is a
general client for plotting many types of space physics data, including
streams from this server, and the
Das2 Clients
from the University of Iowa provide specific interfaces tailored to certian
data sets.
Since this server delivers information over HTTP, limited functionality
is available using any standard web browser. Some example queries are
provided below.
Example Queries
- Data Source List -- To download a list of all data sources known to
this server use the following URL:
- Peer List -- To download a list of other Das2 Servers known to this
site use the following URL:
- Dataset Definition -- To gather basic information on a datasource
enter a URL with the pattern:
Where the DATA_SET_NAME is one of the file paths provided by a
data source list query.
- Data Download -- To download data as either
a Das2Stream or QStream enter a URL with the pattern:
Where the START and END are time strings. Though may time
formats will work with most data sources, ISO-8601 format strings are
recommended, in general these look like YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss where
uneeded time fields may be omitted.
More information about das2 can be found at: